Facial Surgery in Colorado Springs

Springs Aesthetics offers facial surgery and rejuvenation for men and women in Colorado Springs, South Denver, Castle Rock, and other areas of Colorado. Facial surgery is performed to improve the aesthetics of specific facial features, such as the nose, eyes, or jowls. Rejuvenative treatments for skin concerns, including wrinkles, pigment discolorations, tightening, and skin folds, are available.

What is Facial Surgery?

Facial surgery is a branch of plastic surgery focusing on improving the aesthetics of the facial features. Patients turn to Dr. Burroughs for aging, injuries, or congenital concerns that cannot be as optimally improved with non-surgical or medical spa treatments.

Why Have Facial Surgery with Dr. Burroughs at Springs Aesthetics?

Dr. Burroughs completed a highly competitive oculofacial plastic surgery fellowship with one of the most esteemed luminaries in the field. During his ophthalmology residency his plastic surgical skill, aptitude and artistry was recognized early, prompting his surgical professors to recommend him for further fellowship subspecialization. Even before his 2-year fellowship, he collaborated with facial plastic surgeons and dermatologists on a variety of skincare issues and cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Dr. Burroughs has published and taught his techniques in surgical journals, textbooks, and at prestigious meetings.

Dr. Burroughs’ private practice quickly grew from word of mouth, excellent results, and his compassion for patients. Dr. Burroughs started and medically directs the Springs Aesthetics medical spa to provide a higher level of preoperative care and postoperative means to speed and enhance healing than regular surgical-only based plastic surgery offices. Skin preparation before surgery improves skin health and surgical healing. Complimentary post-surgical treatments that speed healing include bruise treatments, lymphatic drainage, discoloration, and innovative scar treatments (e.g., IPL intense pulsed light, injections, and microneedling). Many surgeries also include at no cost or minimal cost swelling reduction and further skin tightening with non-invasive technologies. Very few plastic surgery practices offer such a diverse array of proven services that provide the best and quickest surgical results possible.

Dr. Burroughs is constantly collaborating with both national colleagues from Beverly Hills to New York as well as international colleagues to learn and push advancements in aesthetic surgery. He has been peer-nominated for years by both local colleagues to Top Docs in Colorado Springs and nationally by Best Doctors as an outstanding surgeon, thought leader, and someone other physicians or their families would and have chosen to be their doctor and surgeon. He is passionately dedicated to his field as a faith-based calling that allows him to artistically serve from his God-given talent and training opportunities. Dr. Burroughs cares beyond mere surgical success by striving for experience-based results and concern for his patients as individuals.

How Much Does Facial Surgery Cost?

The cost of facial plastic surgery at Springs Aesthetics is based on a customized treatment plan that you develop with Dr. Burroughs during the consultation. Dr. Burroughs is in high demand, so we charge a fee for the consultation, and financing is available through CareCredit® and Alphaeon®.

  • Blepharoplasty
    • Eyelid surgery helps with puffiness, sagging, and wrinkles.
  • Ptosis Surgery
    • Ptosis surgery enlarges the appearance of the eyes, reduces a sleepy look and improves eyelid symmetry.
    • Many ptosis surgeries are done with a hidden incision on the inside of the eyelid avoiding any visible scarring.
  • Eyelid Reconstruction
    • Eyelid reconstruction is most often recommended after a person suffers from trauma or has skin cancer removed from the eyelids.
    • Non-functional scarring costs vary
  • Brow Lift
    • Sagging in the brow area makes a person look older and tired. Brow lifts elevate sagging, raise brow fullness and eyelid skin, and soften wrinkles. Forehead lifting lifts the brows and improves forehead lines.
  • Facelift
    • Facelifts are one of the most common types of surgeries that Dr. Burroughs performs. He prefers for most patients a mini-incision facelift he has perfected to lessen scarring, speed recovery, and ability to be performed without general anesthesia in the office.
  • Neck Lift
    • The neck area can suffer from the aging process, and you may have “crepe paper” skin, muscle banding, excess fat, sagging (“turkey neck”), and other issues correctable with a neck lift.
    • Can be performed in-office without general anesthesia.
  • Earlobe Repair
    • Ear surgery is ideal for individuals unhappy with the appearance of their earlobes or torn earring holes.
  • Filler Blepharoplasty & Rhinoplasty
    • Filler Blepharoplasty improves under-eye bags, hollows, circles, and can even enhance, contour, and gently lift the brows. Dr. Burroughs has taught his techniques both nationally and internationally.
    • Non-surgical rhinoplasty improves the shape of the nose by adding small amounts of dermal volume where needed.
  • Lip Lift
    • Dr. Burroughs offers lip lift procedures for men and women who want to raise or reshape their lips.
  • Thread Lift
    • A thread lift is an alternative to facelift surgery that uses surgical suture material to stimulate collagen production in the mid- and lower face. Results are immediate, improve for several months, can last a few years, and have no significant downtime.
    • Can be combined with surgery, non-invasive, and minimally-invasive modalities.
  • FaceTite®
    • Bipolar radiofrequency given minimally invasive through skin probes.
    • FaceTite® changes and builds the structure of the underlying skin providing tightening and lifting. The procedure can be used on small areas of the body, as well as the face. Results can last up to 3-4 years, and keep improving over the first 6-12 months.
  • NeckTite®
    • NeckTite® relies on radiofrequency energy to tone and tighten the neck area without extensive surgery.
  • AccuTite
    • Springs Aesthetics also offers AccuTite® for non-surgical tightening of the brow, eyelids, forehead, neck and lower face.
  • Skin Cancer Removal
    • Cost: Insurance-dependent
    • The number of skin cancer cases is on the rise. If you suspect that you have skin cancer, Dr. Burroughs can help with innovative skin cancer removal procedures that aim to preserve the aesthetics of the treatment area.

Am I a Candidate for Facial Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Burroughs specializes in a range of facial surgery procedures, and he works closely with his patients to find solutions that will meet their personal cosmetic needs. By using this approach, Dr. Burroughs is able to achieve results that are ideal and natural-appearing for men and women. Many patients with insurance-based needs choose to undergo adjunctive cosmetic enhancements or surgery into a single surgery event and healing time. Sometimes a patient is not well suited for plastic surgery because of recent life circumstances, potential unrealistic expectations, or emotional issues. Dr. Burroughs, in keeping the patient and their best interests first, will advise some patients to avoid or delay surgery until circumstances are normalized.

How is Facial Surgery Performed?

Surgical techniques are key to the outcomes for facial plastic surgery, and Dr. Burroughs uses advanced techniques that he modifies to the specific anatomy and goals of the patient. Most of Dr. Burroughs’ cosmetic surgeries are performed in his office operating room with just IV or oral sedation and without general anesthesia. For larger surgeries or by patient request, an anesthesia physician can be provided.

What is Recovery Like After Facial Surgery?

Facial surgery does require some downtime and recovery. Dr. Burroughs discusses these details during the consultation. Dr. Burroughs performs surgeries in a manner to conceal or limit the number of incisions, lessen scarring, and hasten recovery. Some patients following a facelift return to work or public activity within just a few days. A patient’s recovery is dependent upon adherence to preoperative and postoperative guidelines. Dr. Burroughs and the Springs Aesthetics medical spa provide post-surgical recovery skincare and treatments that speed recovery, bruising resolution, and quality of healing that other plastic surgery practices rarely have or provide.

How Long Will Facial Surgery Results Last?

Surgical result durations vary because of genetic and anatomical factors. An eyelid lift or facelift provides years of a more youthful appearance, but for best results and duration you must choose to protect your investment. Factors that improve longevity: adherence to an individualized skincare regimen; sun avoidance and protection; healthy diet/exercise; good sleep hygiene; stress management; and following their surgery with suggestive adjunctive services to maintain results. Natural appearing results may not last as long as more aggressive surgery that often appears abnormal and overdone. Very few surgeries are permanent because of persistent gravity, ongoing aging, health changes, and sun and environmental damage.

For more than 20 years, Dr. John Burroughs has helped men and women in Colorado Springs, South Denver, Castle Rock, and other areas of Colorado, as well as internationally, by providing exceptional care in plastic eyelid and facial surgery. At his practice, he also offers medical spa treatments that are performed by aestheticians and other physician extenders. To learn more about facial surgery, contact us today to schedule a consultation.